Wilderness & Adventure Therapy Treatment Programs  
Also known as "Outdoor Behavioral Health"
Non-Profit Consumer Protection Resources & 
Referral Information. 

Sponsored by Mentor Research Institute  a 501c3 non-profit

A free listing of wilderness programs, consumer protection resources, and 
referral assistance for parents with teenagers, troubled teens and youth at risk who may have 
emotional, psychological, learning, drug and substance abuse, academic and behavioral problems. 
This web site is not funded by any Wilderness or Adventure programs.

Consumer Protection Information, Research, Resources & Referral
Revised: November 24, 2011

 Wilderness Therapy  Programs
A growing list of web sites and rating of wilderness therapy programs providing services to adults and families with teenagers at risk.

Wilderness Therapy Treatment
A non-profit consumer protection information and research web site about wilderness therapy treatment program safety, selection, standards, admissions and therapeutic activities.


"There are many excellent programs, many more 'good' programs and only a few truly bad ones. The real issue is not just safety but whether a program matches the child's needs and the values of the parents. "

"Even an 'excellent' program is not good for all children and families."

"Every child has in him an aching void for excitement and if we don't fill it with something that is exciting and interesting and good for him, he will fill it with something that is exciting and interesting and that isn't good for him".
                                                                      - Theodore Roosevelt

Adventure Programs
A non-profit web site listing non-treatment outdoor and adventure program for youth, adult and families.


A No-Cost Screening Questionnaire and a Comprehensive Resource


The world's most
sophisticated screening tool

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Please read our Disclaimer & Important Legal Information

More Information:  www.WildernessPrograms.Org